63 Moons Technologies Ltd
BSE Code 526881 ISIN Demat INE111B01023 Book Value (₹) 596.05 NSE Symbol 63MOONS Div & Yield % 0.49 Market Cap ( Cr.) 1,873.55 P/E * 6.18 EPS * 65.83 Face Value (₹) 2
* Profit to Earning Ratio
* Earning Per Share
Ticker allots 12.19 lakh equity shares under ESOP Back
(13 Mar 2024)
63 Moons Technologies announced that its subsidiary, Ticker has allotted 12,19,025 equity shares of face value of Re 1 each at an exercise price of Rs 3 to the employees pursuant to ESOP scheme of Ticker.

Subsequent to the above allotment, the shareholding of 63 moons technologies limited in Ticker stood at 75.18%.