SecureKloud Technologies Ltd
BSE Code 512161 ISIN Demat INE650K01021 Book Value (₹) 33.01 NSE Symbol SECURKLOUD Div & Yield % 0 Market Cap ( Cr.) 141.83 P/E * 46.65 EPS * 0.91 Face Value (₹) 5
* Profit to Earning Ratio
* Earning Per Share
SecureKloud launches AI engineering and analytics platform - DataEdge Back
(20 Jul 2022)
SecureKloud Technologies today launched DataEdge, a cloud-based data analytics and AI engineering platform that enables enterprises to power insight-driven decision-making capabilities. The DataEdge platform provides highly modular, scalable, and API-driven solutions to unlock data powered insights. Configured to HITRUST standards, DataEdge is a zero-code platform, which can be easily deployed in hours with zero development time.